Reflections on the way to a just future

Reflections on the way to a just future

Young adults develop a shared vision for Europe

© EAzB

How can we shape a more sustainable society in ecological, social, political and economic terms? How can we respond to the rise of right-wing populism in Europe? How can we stand up for more equality and fight against racism? Young adults from Germany, Italy, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Nigeria met for a workshop in the mountains of Piemont (Italy) to discuss their views on the most important issues that are challenging Europe right now. 

The workshop from August 5th to 11th, was part of a European youth exchange program organized by the Centro Ecumenico Agape, the Ekumenická Academie Prague and the Evangelische Akademie zu Berlin, all members of Oikosnet Europe, the ecumenical network of Christian academies and laity centres in Europe.

In developing their answers, the young participants’ focus was on their respective own points of view and personal experiences as citizens of Europe and the world. Creative methods and playful approaches made it possible to develop shared perspectives. The result was a reflection paper on how to strengthen solidarity and coexistence in Europe.

Reflexionen für eine gerechte Zukunft

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Wie können wir eine nachhaltigere Gesellschaft gestalten – sozial, politisch, ökologisch und ökonomisch? Wie gehen wir mit dem Erstarken des Rechtspopulismus in Europa um? Wie können wir uns für mehr Gleichberechtigung und gegen Rassismus einsetzen? Junge Erwachsene aus Deutschland, Italien, …


Dr. Hannah Schilling 2021

Dr. Hannah Schilling

Studienleiterin für gesellschaftspolitische Jugendbildung

Telefon (030) 203 55 - 311

Heinz-Joachim Lohmann

Stellvertretender Direktor und Studienleiter für Demokratische Kultur und Kirche im ländlichen Raum

Telefon (030) 203 55 - 510

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Die Werkstatt der Evangelischen Akademie zu Berlin

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Agape Centro Ecumenico - Prali, Italien

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