Shattered Images

Europäische Bibeldialoge

Shattered Images

Faith under (de)construction

EBD 88
Von: 25.07.2018 16:00
Bis: 29.07.2018 12:30
St. Saviour’s Church - Riga, LV


Study Conference for Theology Students

Die Studientagung für Theologiestudierende wird in englischer Sprache durchgeführt. /
The study conference for theology students will be held in English.

"God created humankind in his own image." But is our image of God more than a mirror image, one that we have constructed? Like mirrors, our images of God can break and we may feel like something inside us shattered. There are questions or situations in our lives that make us doubt our own faith or even God. But our faith, if it is to be alive and resilient, needs to be forever under construction; it needs to grow. Maybe our doubts, our shaken or even shattered ideas of what is true can bring us a little closer to the truth that is God and make us humble.

In Riga, we will talk about the experience of perpetual deconstruction and reassessment of the images of God, which also took place in the churches after the Iron Curtain opened and which have to be undertaken again and again by every generation. This will be not only a basis for our discussion about God’s and humankind’s images, but also about diversity, unity and tolerance.

Conference team:
Dr. Jiri Dvoracek, Wallisellen, Switzerland
Andreta Livena, Riga, Latvia
Anamaria Seres, Fintinele, Romania
Julian Templeton, Barnet, England

Guest speaker:
Rt Revd Jana Jeruma-Grinberga, Riga, Latvia
Nils Konstantinovs, Riga, Latvia



Dr. Tamara Hahn

Studienleiterin Europäische Bibeldialoge

Telefon (030) 203 55 - 205

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