Jüdisch-christlich-feministischer Dialog zur Erinnerungspolitik:


Jewish-Christian-Feminist Dialogue on the Politics of Memory:

A Transatlantic Conversation (in English)

Von: 24.06.2021 19:00
Bis: 24.06.2021 20:30

© Adobe Stock / frank29052515

In their scholarly work the three speakers address the presence of the Shoah in New Testament exegesis (Tania Oldenhage), theology (Katharina von Kellenbach), and American Jewish identity (Laura Levitt). They write explicitly autobiographical and/or through family history, a hermeneutic informed by the interreligious and international relationships nurtured at the Religion Department at Temple University in Philadelphia. This conversation will focus on the personal dimensions of the trauma of Jewish-Christian relations in the political context of the United States, Germany, and Switzerland. The conversation will be in English. Über die persönlichen Dimensionen des Umganges mit dem Trauma der jüdisch-christlichen Geschichte im politischen Kontext der USA, Deutschlands und der Schweiz sprechen drei Referentinnen, deren wissenschaftliche Arbeit sich mit der Gegenwart der Shoa in neutestamentlicher Exegese (Tania Oldenhage), Theologie (Katharina von Kellenbach) und amerikanisch-jüdischer Identität (Laura Levitt) beschäftigt. Alle drei arbeiten explizit autobiographisch und familiengeschichtlich, eine Hermeneutik, die von den interreligiösen und transnationalen Begegnungen am Religionsdepartment der Temple University in Philadelphia geprägt ist. Das Gespräch wird in englischer Sprache stattfinden.


Laura Levitt is Professor of Religion, Jewish Studies, and Gender at Temple University where she has chaired the Religion Department and directed both the Jewish Studies and the Gender, Sexuality and Women’s Studies Programs.
Levitt is the author The Objects that Remain (2020); American Jewish Loss after the Holocaust (2007); and Jews and Feminism: The Ambivalent Search for Home (1997) and a co-editor of Impossible Images: Contemporary Art After the Holocaust (2003) and Judaism Since Gender (1997).
Levitt edits NYU Press’s North American Religions Series with Tracy Fessenden (Arizona State University) and David Harrington Watt (Haverford College)

Tania Oldenhage is a pastor in Zurich. She received her doctorate from the Religion Department of Temple University in Philadelphia, USA, and is a graduate of the Women's Studies Program at Temple University. 2000-2003 Assistant Professor of Religion at Mount Union College, USA. From 2003-2008, director of studies at the Ev. Tagungs- und Studienzentrum Boldern. One-year research and teaching appointment at the Women's Studies in Religion Program at Harvard Divinity School, Cambridge. From 2010-2020 parish pastor in Zurich Fluntern. Until 2021, director of studies at the Forum für Zeitfragen in Basel. 2013 Habilitation at the University of Basel and Privatdozentin for Wirkungsgeschichte des Neuen Testaments.
Book publications: New Testament Passion Narratives after the Shoah. Exegesis as Part of the Culture of Memory (Kohlhammer 2014); Parables for Our Time: Rereading New Testament Scholarship after the Holocaust (Oxford 2002).

Katharina von Kellenbach is project coordinator of Bildstörungen at the Evangelische Akademie zu Berlin, which develops teaching materials to disrupt anti-Jewish narratives in theological education. She is professor emerita of Religious Studies at St. Mary's College of Maryland, served as Visiting Corcoran Chair in Christian-Jewish Relations at Boston College, and as convener of an interdisciplinary research group "Felix Culpa: On the Cultural Productivity of Guilt" at the Zif in Bielefeld.
Book publications: Anti Judaism in Feminist Religious Writings (Oxford University Press, 1994), The Mark of Cain: Guilt and Denial in the Lives of Nazi Perpetrators (Oxford University Press, 2013).



Prof. em. Katharina von Kellenbach, PhD

Projektstudienleiterin „Bildstörungen"


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