(No) Cheap Grace

Europäische Bibeldialoge

(No) Cheap Grace

Discipleship today (EBD 147)

Study conference for students of theology

Von: 27.07.2022 16:00
Bis: 31.07.2022 12:00
Kamienica pod Aniolami - Breslau / Polen
Drei Zwerge Breslau

© Tamara Hahn / EAzB

Spreading the Gospel means to speak of Jesus’ Love and Grace for all people, of repentance and the kingdom of God. Sola Fide! Sola Gratia! No works righteousness! But what are the consequences of our faith for our lives here and now?


What does discipleship mean for us in Europe today? In Wroclaw, where Dietrich Bonhoeffer was born, we will discuss, how we experience and live discipleship and how we can proclaim Jesus’ call for discipleship.

The study conference will be in English. On request, we can provide simultaneous interpretation between English and German.
Die Konferenzsprache der Studientagung ist Englisch: Für Informationen in deutscher Sprache wenden Sie sich bitte an hahn@eaberlin.de

Conference team: Anamária Seres, Fintanele, Romania
Dr. Julian Templeton, Barnet, England

Guest Speakers: Prof. Dr. Wojciech Szczerba, Wroclaw
Peter Arthur, "Akebulan", Berlin


We will send you the detailed agenda and schedule with the conference information.



Dr. Tamara Hahn

Studienleiterin Europäische Bibeldialoge

Telefon (030) 203 55 - 205

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