The people of Eritrea have been oppressed by a dictatorship for decades. Even Eritrean refugees are not safe from the claws of the regime. Nevertheless, a diverse political landscape has emerged in the exile community, which is developing new ideas for a democratic Eritrea. What could a democratic Eritrea look like? What forces are currently coming together? And how can democratic ideas for the country be realised? We look at this and more together with the Society of Eritrean Think Tank.
Gesprächsimpulse mit anschließender Diskussion
Freweyni Habtemariam, Eritrean Initiative for Dialogue and Cooperation e.V. and General Secretary Society of Eritrean Think Thank
Topic: Diaspora, Diversität und Demokratie
Prof. Mussie Temnewo, Augsburg University Minnesota/USA and Deputy Chair Socety of Eritrean Think Thank
Topic: Addi System
Mr. Herui Tedla Bairu, PHD, Chairman Society of Eritrean Think Thank
Topic: Eritrean Government in Exile
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