Exalted or Cast Down?

Europäischer Bibeldialog

Exalted or Cast Down?

Women of Faith in the Bible and Today

Gender Roles in Church and Society

Von: 07.05.2025 18:30
Bis: 07.05.2025 20:00

Women were among the disciples of Jesus from the very beginning. They were the first to witness the risen Lord and the Bible has many stories about women of faith leading their communities. So why has it taken so long for Christian churches to accept them as pastors? What is the role of a woman in the Church of Jesus Christ? She cannot be demure or silent, if she has something vital to say.


With three remarkable theologians from Latvia and Poland, we want to explore how patriarchal values, views and structures, still present in our societies, have influenced the relationship between Churches and women. If God created humankind as male and female for a good reason, then how can women contribute in making their societies more human?

Guest speakers/Referentinnen:
Prof. Dr. Dace Balode, Riga (Professor of Biblical Theology, University of Latvia)
Bishop em. Jāna Jēruma-Grīnberga, Riga
Rev. Marta Zachraj-Mikołajczyk, Wroclaw
Moderator: Dr. Friederike Krippner, Berlin

Die Tagungssprache dieses Abend-Dialogs ist Englisch; Simultanübersetzung ins Deutsche ist auf Anfrage für die inhaltlichen Redebeiträge möglich. Für Fragen wenden Sie sich bitte an hahn@eaberlin.de.


Wednesday, May 7, 2025 | 8:30 to 20:00 (Berlin time)


Exalted or Cast Down? | Women of Faith in the Bible and today

Gender Roles in Church and Society

The Zoom-meeting will be open from 18:15 for general questions regarding Zoom.



18:30 Introduction: Why are we talking about the role of women in church and society? - Introductions to three women in the Bible: Deborah, Hannah and Mary
(Dace Balode, Jāna Jēruma-Grīnberga, Marta Zachraj-Mikołajczyk)
- Panel discussion (Mod. Friederike Krippner)
- Open discussion
- Conclusion
Evening blessing in three languages
20:00 End of official part and invitation to casual discussions, networking via chat or breakout sessions on request.



im Kalender speichern


Dr. Tamara Hahn

Studienleiterin Europäische Bibeldialoge

Telefon (030) 203 55 - 205


Sandra Schröder

Allgemeine Verwaltung, Öffentliche Kommunikation, Veranstaltungsorganisation

Telefon (030) 203 55 - 515

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